Heartstopping video captures the moment a 7-year-old comes face to face with a black bear while riding a scooter near his home in Canada. The video shows the bear heading right towards the boy in broad daylight. Without panicking, Huxley stares the animal down until the bear stops dead in its tracks. Out of nowhere, Huxley’s neighbor appears with his arms raised high. The neighbor relentlessly pursues the bear from behind the car until the animal finally scurries away.
until the bear stops dead in his tracks. No one could predict what would happen next. Then, out of nowhere, Huxley’s neighbor appears. With his arms raised high, the neighbor turns into a superhero and fearlessly approaches the animal, engaging the bear in a heart -stopping game of hide -and -seek.
Watch as the neighbor relentlessly pursues the bear from behind the car until the animal finally gets spooked and goes scurrying away. Crisis averted. We spoke with Huxley and his mom Brittany about the grisly encounter, which took place in British Columbia, Canada. We’ve had conversations about being aware. Hey, be aware of your surroundings.
If there is a bear and you’re not with an adult, you know, be calm. Wildlife experts stress that staying calm and looking big and overpowering are key responses when confronting a bear in the outdoors.
So, cheers to Huxley and his neighbor for their perfect response under pressure. I think most adults even in that moment would have perhaps panicked or run away or, you know, not everybody knows what to do there, so I’m super proud of him. And off Huxley goes on his scooter to his next adventure.